Syntax.js - Supported Programming Languages

Below is a list of all the programming languages currently supported in Syntax.js.

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v3.1.0 - 6th Sep 2024
  • bash Bash
  • c-plus-plus C++
  • c-sharp C#
  • c C
  • css CSS
  • dart Dart
  • delphi Delphi
  • f-sharp F#
  • go GO
  • html HTML
  • java Java
  • javascript JavaScript
  • kotlin Kotlin
  • lua Lua
  • matlab Matlab
  • ms-sql Microsoft SQL
  • perl Perl
  • php PHP
  • powershell Powershell
  • python Python
  • r R
  • ruby Ruby
  • rust Rust
  • scala Scala
  • swift Swift
  • typescript TypeScript
  • visual-basic Visual Basic