Syntax.js - Documentation - Recent Changes

Below is a list of the most recent changes made in the Syntax.js versions released.

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v3.1.0 - 6th Sep 2024

Version 3.1.0:

Building Options:

  • BREAKING: All "highlight" binding options have now been moved into a new object called "highlight" (for example, "highlight.keywords").
  • BREAKING: All "button" binding options have now been moved into a new object called "buttons" (for example, "buttons.showCopy" and "buttons.maximum").
  • The binding option "maximumButtons" (now "buttons.maximum") is now checked as larger or equal to so that the buttons can be hidden for the Copy/Print buttons by default.

UI Improvements:

  • When tabbing is enabled, switching tabs now shows a nice fade-in transition.

General Improvements:

  • Added new rules to enforce stricter types across the code base.
  • Added missing types in the "constant.ts" file.
  • Added an ignore path for ".DS_Store" files when packing the NuGet package.
  • Moved from ES2016 to ES2020.
  • Updated all the NPM packages to the latest versions.
  • Improved the way that custom button classes are assigned to the custom buttons.
  • Improved the way that events are assigned.


  • Fixed an issue that caused the buttons in the display to use the wrong font.

Version 3.0.1:

  • Moved from function() setups to lambdas.
  • Fixed an issue with the filenames used in the headers for each TS file.
  • Renamed "Constants" to "Constant".
  • Fixed missing type reference for imports.
  • Added a missing types reference for the packages.json file.
  • Updated keywords for the project.
  • Fixed missing return types.
  • Massive code reorganization.

Version 3.0.0:

Language Shift:

  • The entire project has been rewritten in TypeScript, allowing all components to be exported, which allows better support for libraries such as React, Angular, etc.
  • Added CDN links for the minimized version of the files.
  • The TypeScript code is compiled to ES2016 instead of ES5 (older browsers, such as IE, are no longer supported).


  • You can now run separate builds to produce CJS, ESM, and Minimized project versions.
  • All files not required for the NPM packages have now been excluded.

Binding Options:

  • BREAKING: All the event custom triggers are now under a new section called "events".

Configuration Options:

  • BREAKING: All the text options are now under a new section called "text".
  • BREAKING: All the event custom triggers are now under a new section called "events".
  • The configuration setting "text.buttonsOpenerText" now defaults to the "←" character.
  • The configuration setting "text.buttonsCloserText" now defaults to the "→" character.

Tabs Binding Options:

  • BREAKING: All the event custom triggers are now under a new section called "events".


  • Removed the "src" and "dist" folders under "test". Only the dist versions remain, removing duplication.
  • Added "" to help first-time users set up their dev environments.


  • Fixed the custom triggers "onKeywordClicked", "onValueClicked", and "onAttributeClicked" not firing in Tabs mode.
  • Fixed the custom triggers "onKeywordClicked", "onValueClicked", and "onAttributeClicked" not firing when colors are disabled.

Version 2.6.0:

New Features:

  • Added export support for the global "$syntax" object, which can now be imported as "syntax.js".
  • Added a new folder to "dist" called translations, and added translation files for the following languages:
    1. af Afrikaans
    2. ar Arabic
    3. hy Armenian
    4. be Belarusian
    5. bn Bengali
    6. bg Bulgarian
    7. ca Catalan
    8. zh Chinese (simplified)
    9. da Danish
    10. nl Dutch
    11. en English (default)
    12. eo Esperanto
    13. et Estonian
    14. fa Farsi
    15. fi Finnish
    16. fr French
    17. fy Frisian
    18. gl Galician
    19. ka Georgian
    20. de German
    21. el Greek
    22. he Hebrew
    23. hi Hindi
    24. hu Hungarian
    25. is Icelandic
    26. id Indonesian
    27. ga Irish
    28. it Italian
    29. ja Japanese
    30. ko Korean
    31. lv Latvian
    32. lt Lithuanian
    33. lb Luxembourgish
    34. ms Malay
    35. ne Nepali
    36. no Norwegian
    37. pl Polish
    38. pt Portuguese
    39. ro Romanian
    40. si Sinhalese
    41. sk Slovak
    42. sl Slovenian
    43. es Spanish
    44. sv Swedish
    45. tl Tagalog
    46. ta Tamil
    47. zh-tw Taiwanese
    48. te Telugu
    49. th Thai
    50. tr Turkish
    51. uk Ukrainian

Configuration Options:

  • The binding options "copyButtonText" and "printButtonText" are now part of the main configuration.

Version 2.5.0:

Configuration Options:

  • Added a new configuration option called "objectErrorText", which states the error text that should be shown when an object error is detected (defaults to "Errors in object: {{error_1}}, {{error_2}}").
  • Added a new configuration option called "attributeNotSetErrorText", which states the error text that should be shown when a binding attribute isn't set (defaults to "The attribute '{{attribute_name}}' has not been set correctly.").
  • Added a new configuration option called "languageNotSupportedErrorText", which states the error text that should be shown when a language detected is not supported (defaults to "Language '{{language}}' is not supported.").
  • Added a new configuration option called "noCodeAvailableToRenderErrorText", which states the error text that should be shown when there is no code to render (defaults to "No code is available to render.").


  • Added "use strict" support internally and updated all public functions to use the new scope.
  • Minor improvements to the README and README_NUGET files.
  • All default parameters are now read more accurately and apply the correct defaults.


  • Fixed a minor formatting issue in the "package.json" file.
  • Fixed a bad error message when no code is available to render.

Version 2.4.3:

  • Minor documentation updates.

Version 2.4.2:

  • All hover transition effects now work for hovering, and not hovering, which results in a smoother display.
  • Minor updates to the documentation.
  • Added a new ":root" variable called "--syntax-js-default-font" (specifies the default font).
  • Fixed the "journey.js.nuspec" file including the ".github" folder when NuGet PACK is called.
  • Added install instructions into the main README files.
  • Added Math injection directly into the main instance.
  • Added JSON injection directly into the main instance.

Version 2.4.1:

  • Added correct year to all files, and added missing year to all minimized/dist files.
  • Fixed HTML files using the wrong formatting for meta, and imports being missing.
  • Improved the documentation in the main README files.

Version 2.4.0:

  • BREAKING: All ":root" variables now start with "--syntax-js-", which will prevent collisions with other libraries.
  • Updated project homepage URL.

Version 2.3.1:

  • Comments are now italic by default.
  • Added a new binding custom trigger called "onButtonsClosed", which states an event that should be triggered when the buttons are closed.
  • Added a new binding custom trigger called "onButtonsOpened", which states an event that should be triggered when the buttons are closed.
  • Minor documentation improvements.

Version 2.3.0:


  • Added a new JSON property called "wordRegEx", which states the Regular Expression that is used for looking up keywords, values, attributes, and tags (optional, use %word% to state the lookup).

Binding Options - Custom Triggers:

  • Added a new binding custom trigger called "onBeforeRenderComplete", which states an event that should be triggered before an element is rendered.

Configuration Options:

  • Added new configuration option "allowHtmlInTextDisplay" (defaults to true), which states if HTML can be used in the text displays (buttons, tabs, descriptions, etc).

General Improvements:

  • Double-clicking in the description container (when tabs are used) will now select all the code (if the setting is turned on).


  • Renamed some of the ":root" variables so they are easier to read.
  • Improved browser support for the no-text selection CSS.


  • Fixed a fault that prevented non-highlighted keywords and values from being rendered correctly when "highlightKeywords" and "highlightValues" were set to false.
  • Fixed a fault that caused the custom scroll bars to now show the right border color.

Version 2.2.0:

New Features:

  • Added "description" support for the binding attribute "data-syntax-tab-contents" options. When set, this will show a description panel next to the code.


  • Added support for the CSS styling language (importable file).
  • The JSON property "comment" is now optional.
  • The RegEx used for searching for keywords, values, attributes, and tags, is now much more accurate.

Configuration Options - Custom Triggers:

  • Added a new configuration custom trigger called "onBeforeRender", which states an event that should be triggered before any DOM elements are rendered (when found).
  • Added a new configuration custom trigger called "onAfterRender", which states an event that should be triggered after any DOM elements are rendered (when found).


  • Added new ":root" variable "--container-background-color-description", which states the background color to use for the description panel (for tabs).
  • Added new ":root" variable "--container-border-color-description", which states the border color to use for the description panel (for tabs).


  • Some more of the documentation has been renamed and moved into category folders (the filenames were getting confusing).

Version 2.1.1:

  • Added an extra check when processing the attribute "data-syntax-tab-contents" options.

Version 2.1.0:

New Features:

  • Added full binding support for "data-syntax-tab-contents", which allows some configuration to be set per tab.

Binding Options Tab Contents:

  • Added a new binding option called "title", which states the title to use for a Tab (defaults to null, which forces the language name to be used).

Binding Options Tab Contents - Custom Triggers:

  • Added a new binding custom trigger called "onOpen", which states an event that should be triggered when a tab is opened (passes to the language to the event).


  • Renamed the CSS class "label" to "language-label" (much clearer).


  • Minor documentation improvements.
  • Added new binding documentation file "binding/tabs/".
  • Added new binding documentation file "binding/tabs/".
  • Some of the documentation has been renamed and moved into category folders (the filenames were getting confusing).

General Improvements:

  • Code cleanups and refactoring to make things clearer.

Version 2.0.1:

  • Minor documentation improvements.

Version 2.0.0:

New Features:

  • Added tabbing support! This feature allows you to render languages under one tabbed container (which is great for showing code examples).


  • Added support for the Powershell programming language (importable file).
  • Added support for the Dart programming language (importable file).
  • Added support for the Delphi programming language (importable file).
  • Added support for the Lua programming language (importable file).


  • All buttons (and tabs) are now rendered as buttons instead of divs (this includes minor CSS changes).
  • Added new ":root" variable "--button-hover-background-color", which states the background color to use for the buttons when hovered (including custom ones, unless overridden).
  • Added new ":root" variable "--button-hover-text-color", which states the text color to use for the buttons when hovered (including custom ones, unless overridden).


  • Added a new documentation file "", which states how the "data-syntax-language" binding attribute is used.
  • Examples are now shown on all documentation pages to make things easier when starting with Syntax.js.

Version 1.9.0:

New Features:

  • Added "Attributes" support for languages, which allows attributes (for markup languages only) to be rendered using a different CSS class.

Binding Options:

  • Added a new binding option called "highlightAttributes", which states if attributes should be highlighted (defaults to true).

Binding Options - Custom Triggers:

  • Added a new binding custom trigger called "onAttributeClicked", which states an event that should be triggered when a attribute is clicked.
  • Added a new binding custom trigger called "onAttributeRender", which states an event that should be triggered when a attribute is rendered.


  • Fixed documentation errors in the "" file.

Version 1.8.2:

  • Added support for the PHP programming language (importable file).
  • Minor improvement to the dark-mode theme to make sure the language label stands out a little more.
  • Grammar and spelling corrections across the project.
  • More internal renaming to make things a bit clearer.
  • Unknown language types, and non-markup-based languages, are now encoded before the main render is done (so special characters show up correctly).
  • Moved the configuration option "buttonsVisible" to the binding options (so it can be set per DOM element).
  • Moved the configuration option "maximumButtons" to the binding options (so it can be set per DOM element).
  • Fixed a fault that caused the buttons to be hidden (and could not be shown) when the total buttons are smaller (or equal) to "maximumButtons" and "buttonsVisible" is false.

Version 1.8.1:

  • Minor error logging improvements (uses less code and can be re-used as needed).
  • Internal refactoring to make some of the code match up to the names of the sections.

Version 1.8.0:

Public Functions:

  • Added new public function "getCode()", which is used to return all of the code inside an element (without rendering colors).


  • Added support for the Perl programming language (importable file).
  • Added support for the Bash scripting language (importable file).
  • Added support for the Kotlin programming language (importable file).\
  • Added support for the R programming language (importable file).
  • Added support for the Matlab programming language (importable file).
  • Added support for the Scala programming language (importable file).
  • Moved some of the keywords for the supported languages into "values".
  • Multi-line comments are now processed before single-line comments.

Binding Options:

  • Added a new binding option called "doubleClickToSelectAll", which states that double-clicking in one of the containers (numbers, code) will select all the code (defaults to true).
  • Added a new binding option called "languageLabelCasing", which states the casing to use for the language label (defaults to "uppercase").


  • Added new ":root" variable "--button-background-color", which will allow you to set the background color of the buttons.
  • Added new ":root" variable "--button-text-color", which will allow you to set the text color of the buttons.
  • Massively improved the theme "dark-mode" (much cleaner and modern).
  • Shared colors now reference the original base ":root" variable.

General Improvements:

  • Double-clicking in the code container will now select all the code (if the new setting is turned on).
  • Removed a lot of duplicated code.
  • Lots of clean-ups across the HTML testing files.

Version 1.7.3:

  • The custom button "onClick" event now accepts the code as a parameter (see documentation).
  • Fixed a fault that caused the wrong events to be assigned to the custom buttons when there is more than one.
  • Added a new binding option called "removeDuplicateBlankLines" (defaults to true), which will remove all duplicate blank lines.
  • Fixed some bad documentation.
  • Added a new CSS class "multi-line-comment", which is used for multi-line comments.
  • Added a new CSS class "multi-line-string", which is used for multi-line strings.

Version 1.7.2:

  • Added "multiLineComment" support for Markup languages (HTML, for example).
  • Minor code cleanups to make things a bit more readable.

Version 1.7.1:

  • More documentation improvements.
  • Added shortcut files for quickly packing/publishing the project.

Version 1.7.0:

New Features:

  • Markup language support!


  • If there is no code available for highlighting, the element is skipped and left as is (an error log is thrown when safeMode is off).


  • Added support for the HTML markup language (importable file).
  • Added a new JSON property called "isMarkUp", which states if the language is a markup language (processed slightly differently).


  • More documentation fixes and improvements.


  • Fixed a fault that caused comments and strings from other elements to be added to others.

Version 1.6.2:

  • Internal code cleanup to make object parsing a little clearer.
  • More documentation fixes.
  • Minor CSS comment updates.

Version 1.6.1:

  • Fixed some of the documentation files that were pointing at the wrong files.

Version 1.6.0:

New Features:

  • Added "Values" support for languages, which allows values (such as "true" and "false") to be rendered using a different CSS class.
  • Added opening/closing support for the buttons shown in the top right corner (along with configurable options).

Binding Options:

  • Added a new binding option called "highlightValues", which states if values should be highlighted (defaults to true).

Binding Options - Custom Triggers:

  • Added a new binding custom trigger called "onValueClicked", which states an event that should be triggered when a value is clicked.
  • Added a new binding custom trigger called "onValueRender", which states an event that should be triggered when a value is rendered.


  • All CSS colors are now root variables, allowing full themes to be generated without referring CSS class names.
  • Added a new folder under "dist" called "themes", which contains a new dark-mode (works based on the browser configuration).

Configuration Options:

  • Added new configuration option "maximumButtons" (defaults to 2), which states the maximum number of buttons that can be shown before the opening/closing button is shown.
  • Added new configuration option "buttonsVisible" (defaults to true), which states if the buttons are open (visible).
  • Added new configuration option "buttonsOpenerText" (defaults to "<"), which states the text that should be used for the open buttons button.
  • Added new configuration option "buttonsCloserText" (defaults to ">"), which states the text that should be used for the close buttons button.


  • Renamed the CSS class "number" to "numbers".
  • By default, the buttons are no longer bold.
  • By default, the language label is now bold and uses a grey font color.


  • Documentation renames and cleanups to make things clearer.


  • Fixed the buttons wrapping down to the next line and looking strange on smaller screens.

Version 1.5.1:

  • Removed some unneeded CSS from the testing CSS file (used in the testing HTML files).
  • Fixed a security risk when injecting titles into a new window (for printing).

Version 1.5.0:

New Features:

  • Added full language alias support (allows alias names to be added that point to a specific language name).
  • Added full custom buttons support via a new attribute called "data-syntax-buttons".


  • Added support for the F# programming language (importable file).
  • Added support for the Rust programming language (importable file).

Public Functions:

  • Added new public function "addAlias()", which is used to add a new language alias.
  • Added new public function "removeAlias()", which is used to remove a language alias.
  • Added new public function "getAlias()", which is used to get a language alias.
  • Added new public function "getAliases()", which is used to get all language aliases.
  • Renamed the public function "getAllLanguages" to "getLanguages()".
  • Renamed the public function "getAllElementsHighlighted()" to "getElementsHighlighted()".


  • More documentation improvements to show how some of the new features are used.

General Improvements:

  • NUSPEC file improvements for submissions.


  • Fixed a fault that prevented the public function "removeLanguage()" from returning a valid flag when a language has been removed.
  • Fixed package description and keywords being inconsistent with the main repository.

Version 1.4.0:


  • The binding attribute "data-syntax-language" can now be set to "unknown", which will force the layout to still be drawn, but no highlighting will be applied.
  • Added a new JSON property called "keywordsCasing", which states what casing should be used for the keywords when rendered (optional, defaults to "initial", accepts "uppercase" and "lowercase").

Binding Settings:

  • Added a new setting called "padLineNumbers", which states if the line numbers should be padded (defaults to false).

Configuration Options:

  • Added new configuration option "highlightAllDomElementTypes" (defaults to "div" and "code"), which states the element types that should be looked up when rendering.

General Improvements:

  • Double-clicking the numbers column (when enabled) will now highlight all the code in the right panel.
  • The "data-syntax-options" attribute now can accept a function name to get the required configuration.


  • Fixed a fault that prevented the "onKeywordClicked" custom trigger from being assigned to keywords when "highlightKeywords" is set to false.

Version 1.3.0:

New Features:

  • Added multi-line string support for languages that support them (such as C#).
  • String searching now uses an improved RegEx for more accurate searches.
  • SafeMode support and new global library configuration options.

Public Functions:

  • Added new public function "setConfiguration()", which will set up global configuration options for the whole library.
  • The public function "getAllElementsHighlighted()" now returns a cloned version of "_elements" instead of a referenced version.
  • The public functions "getLanguage()" and "getAllLanguages()" now return a cloned version of the language objects.

Configuration Option:

  • Added new configuration option "safeMode" (defaults to true), which allows all errors to be ignored (all valid renders will still be displayed.


  • All language files (under "dist/languages") now pass false for the "triggerRender" parameter, as the library will render automatically once the DOM is loaded.

General Improvements:

  • Removed some code that was no longer needed.
  • The numbers column can no longer have its numbers selected (CSS controlled).
  • The buttons (top right) can no longer have their text selected (CSS controlled).
  • The error log shown when a language is not available is now only shown when "safeMode" is disabled.


  • Renamed "" to "" (which states all the options that can be used for the "data-syntax-options" binding attribute).
  • Added a new version of "", which is now used to show all the configurations that can be used for the public function "setConfiguration()".
  • Minor documentation updates to make things a bit clearer.


  • Fixed the public function "destroyAll()" reset the "_elements" variable to the wrong type.

Version 1.2.0:

New Features:

  • Printing support is now available as a configurable button (on by default).
  • A new language label is now shown in the UI to state what language is being shown.

General Improvements:

  • Redesigned the layout for the button(s) shown in the top left of the display (minor CSS class name changes), along with the new language label.
  • Added new BootStrap testing files.


  • Added a new JSON property called "friendlyName", which states the friendly name to be shown in the language label.
  • The JSON property "keywords" now accepts either an array of strings or a space-separated string.


  • Added a new setting called "showLanguageLabel", which states if the language label should be shown (defaults to true).
  • Added a new setting called "showPrintButton", which states if the Print button should be shown (defaults to true).
  • Added a new setting called "printButtonText", which states the text that should be shown for the new Print button (defaults to "Print").

Custom Triggers:

  • Added a new custom trigger "onPrint", which is called when the "Print" button is clicked.


  • Fixed the default color for "code" DOM elements reverting to the color set in Bootstrap.

Version 1.1.0:

General Improvements:

  • The render() method now only scans for "div" and "code" DOM element types (faster).
  • When a specific language is not supported, a new error log is shown in the console.

Custom Triggers:

  • Added new custom trigger "onKeywordRender", which is called when a keyword is rendered (before main render completion).
  • Added new custom trigger "onStringRender", which is called when a string is rendered (before main render completion).
  • Added new custom trigger "onCommentRender", which is called when a comment is rendered (before main render completion).


  • Fixed documentation missing references that prevented the library from working properly.
  • Improved the and documentation.

Version 1.0.0:


  • Case Sensitive: Added a new language property "caseSensitive" (defaults to true) which states if the keyword matching is case sensitive.
  • Added support for the TypeScript programming language (importable file).


  • Added a new setting called "highlightComments", which states if comments should be highlighted (defaults to true).
  • Added a new setting called "highlightStrings", which states if strings should be highlighted (defaults to true).
  • Added a new setting called "highlightKeywords", which states if keywords should be highlighted (defaults to true).

Public Functions:

  • Renamed the public function "findAndBuildNewElements()" to "highlightAll()".
  • Renamed the public function "getRenderedElements()" to "getAllElementsHighlighted()".
  • Added new public function "removeLanguage()", which will remove a specific language that can be rendered by name.
  • Added new public function "getAllLanguages()", which will return the object that contains all the language details.
  • Added new public function "highlightElement()", which will render a specific DOM element (accepts either the element or the ID of the element).
  • Added new public function "getLanguage()", which will return the details for a specific language (by name).
  • Renamed the public function "destroy()" to "destroyAll()".
  • Added a new version of the public function "destroy()", which will revert a specific element to its original HTML (minus the syntax attributes).

Custom Triggers:

  • Renamed the custom trigger "onRender" to "onRenderComplete".

UI Improvements:

  • The numbers column is now hidden by default on smaller screens (and the code line will now wrap).


  • Fixed links to missing documentation in the main and files.
  • Fixed some grammar mistakes.
  • Fixed a fault that prevented the original destroy() public function (now destroyAll()) from clearing down the elements list.

Version 0.8.0:

  • Added a new setting called "showLineNumbers", which states if the line numbers should be shown (defaults to true).
  • Renamed the public function "buildNewSyntaxElements" to "findAndBuildNewElements()".
  • Added new public function "destroy()", which will revert all rendered elements to their original HTML (minus the syntax attributes).

Version 0.7.0:

  • Added Nuget package support via a new nuspec file.
  • The default language "JavaScript" is no longer built-in, and must be imported like all other languages.
  • Updated the project description.
  • Added support for the C, JavaScript, and MS-SQL programming languages (importable files).

Version 0.6.0:

  • Added support for the Swift and Visual Basic programming languages (importable files).
  • Added new public function "getRenderedElements()", which returns all the elements that have been rendered.
  • Added indentation support!
  • Minor code correction for handling empty strings.
  • Added a new setting called "removeBlankLines", which states if all the blank lines should be removed (defaults to false).
  • Added some very light borders around the Numbers and Syntax DOM containers.
  • Added a default font and font size via the SCSS/CSS.

Version 0.5.0:

  • Added support for the C++ and Java programming languages (importable files).
  • Fixed a fault that caused parameters to be parsed for custom triggers when they were not set.
  • Fixed the default language containing the "*" symbol in the keywords.
  • Renamed the root variable "--color-variable" to "--color-keyword".
  • Added a new custom trigger "onKeywordClicked", which is fired when a keyword is clicked.

Version 0.4.0:

  • Removed public function "setOptions()", as it's not needed due to the options attribute.
  • Removed the custom trigger "onOptionsUpdated", as it's not needed anymore.
  • Added support to set the custom triggers via the "data-syntax-options" attribute options.
  • The language property "multiLineComment" is now optional, as some languages don't require special characters for multi-line comments.
  • Added support for the Python, Go, and Ruby programming languages (importable files).

Version 0.3.0:

  • Added Code/Pre element rendering support.
  • Added options attribute "data-syntax-options" support, which will override the default options per code element rendered.
  • Fixed a class name setting issue that caused a random space to appear.
  • Added a new custom trigger "onCopy", which is fired when the "Copy" button for a syntax element is pressed.

Version 0.2.0:

  • Added a border around the code container (uses root variables for easy changing).
  • Increased the padding slightly for the "Copy" button.
  • Added background color to the code syntax container (next to the numbers) and added a border-radius.
  • Added new public function "addLanguage()", which will add a new language to the library and will auto-render DOM elements found for that language.
  • Added all missing keywords for the built-in language "JavaScript".
  • Added C# language support via an importable file.

Version 0.1.0:

  • Everything :)