Syntax.js - Documentation - Language
Below is the JSON format and properties that can be used for adding new languages.
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v3.1.0 - 6th Sep 2024
Below is the JSON format and properties that can be used for adding new languages.
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Type: | Name: | Description: |
Object | keywords | The keywords of the language (can be either an array of strings, or a space separated string). |
Object | values | The values (assigning or conditions) of the language (can be either an array of strings, or a space separated string). |
Object | attributes | The values of the language (can be either an array of strings, or a space separated string) and are only set when "isMarkUp" is true. |
string | comment | The start character(s) use for a single line comment (optional). |
string[] | multiLineComment | The start/end characters used to define multi-line comments (optional). |
boolean | caseSensitive | States if the lookups for keywords are case sensitive (defaults to true). |
string | friendlyName | The friendly name to show for the language (optional). |
string | keywordsCasing | States what casing should be shown for the keywords when rendered (optional, defaults to "initial", accepts "uppercase" and "lowercase"). |
boolean | isMarkUp | States if the language is a markup based language (defaults to false). |
string | wordRegEx | The Regular Expression that is used for looking up keywords, values, attributes, and tags (optional, use %word% to state the lookup). |