Syntax.js - Documentation - Language

Below is the JSON format and properties that can be used for adding new languages.

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v3.1.0 - 6th Sep 2024
JSON Properties
Type: Name: Description:
Object keywords The keywords of the language (can be either an array of strings, or a space separated string).
Object values The values (assigning or conditions) of the language (can be either an array of strings, or a space separated string).
Object attributes The values of the language (can be either an array of strings, or a space separated string) and are only set when "isMarkUp" is true.
string comment The start character(s) use for a single line comment (optional).
string[] multiLineComment The start/end characters used to define multi-line comments (optional).
boolean caseSensitive States if the lookups for keywords are case sensitive (defaults to true).
string friendlyName The friendly name to show for the language (optional).
string keywordsCasing States what casing should be shown for the keywords when rendered (optional, defaults to "initial", accepts "uppercase" and "lowercase").
boolean isMarkUp States if the language is a markup based language (defaults to false).
string wordRegEx The Regular Expression that is used for looking up keywords, values, attributes, and tags (optional, use %word% to state the lookup).