Syntax.js - Documentation - Binding Options

Below is the JSON format and properties that can be used for the binding options.

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v3.0.1 - 18th Jul 2024
JSON Properties

Standard Options:

Type: Name: Description:
boolean showCopyButton States if the copy button should be added (defaults to true).
boolean removeBlankLines States if all blank lines should be removed (defaults to false).
boolean showLineNumbers States if the line numbers are shown (defaults to true).
boolean highlightKeywords States if the keywords should be highlighted (defaults to true).
boolean highlightValues States if the values should be highlighted (defaults to true).
boolean highlightAttributes States if the attributes should be highlighted (defaults to true).
boolean highlightStrings States if the strings should be highlighted (defaults to true).
boolean highlightComments States if the comments should be highlighted (defaults to true).
boolean showLanguageLabel States if the language label should be shown or not (defaults to true).
boolean showPrintButton States if the print button should be added (defaults to true).
boolean padLineNumbers States if the line numbers should be shown as "01" instead of "1" (defaults to false).
boolean removeDuplicateBlankLines States if duplicate blank lines should be removed (defaults to true).
boolean doubleClickToSelectAll States if double-clicking in the containers selects all of the code (defaults to true).
string languageLabelCasing States what casing should be used for the language label (optional, defaults to "lowercase", accepts "initial" and "lowercase").
boolean buttonsVisible States if the buttons are open (visible). Defaults to true.
number maximumButtons States the maximum buttons that can be shown before the opening/closing button is shown (defaults to 2).