Peek.js - Documentation - Start Options

Below is the JSON format and properties that can be used for the start options.

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v1.8.1 - 5th Sep 2024
JSON Properties

Standard Options:

Type: Name: Description:
Object nodeType The DOM element types to use the viewer for (can be either an array of strings, or a space-separated string, and defaults to []).
Object mode States the viewing mode to use (1 = CSS, 2 = Attributes, 3 = Size/Position, 4 = Classes. Defaults to 1).
string[] showOnly States the names of the properties that only should be shown (defaults to []).
boolean allowEditing States if editing CSS Properties, Attributes, and Classes is allowed (defaults to false).
boolean showIdOrNameInTitle States if showing the Name/ID of the element in the title of the dialog is enabled (defaults to true).
boolean showNodeNameInTitle States if the node type should be shown in the title (if more than one is being used. Defaults to false).
string[] ignoreValues States the property values that only should be ignored (defaults to []).
boolean showLockButtonInTitle States if the lock symbol button should be shown in the title when the dialog is moved (defaults to true).
number dialogOffset States the additional offset to use for the dialog position (defaults to 0).
boolean showSearch States if the search bar should be shown (defaults to true).
number showSearchPropertyCount States minimum number of properties that should be available to show the search bar (defaults to 15).

String Options:

Type: Name: Description:
string titleText An override title to use for the dialog (defaults to null).