Peek.js - Documentation - Options

Below is the JSON format and properties that can be used for the configuration options.

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v1.8.1 - 5th Sep 2024
JSON Properties


Type: Name: Description:
number dialogShowDelay States the delay (in milliseconds) that should be used before showing the viewer dialog (defaults to 1000).
number dialogHideDelay States the delay (in milliseconds) that should be used before hiding the viewer dialog when moving away from a DOM element (defaults to 500).
number searchDelay States the delay (in milliseconds) that should be used when typing before searching (defaults to 500).

Options - Strings:

Category: Type: Name: Description:
text string cssText The text used for the "CSS" title.
text string attributesText The text used for the "Attributes" title.
text string sizeText The text used for the "Size" title.
text string classesText The text used for the "Classes" title.
text string noAttributesAvailableText The text used for the "No attributes are available." warning.
text string closeText The text used for the "Close" button.
text string copySymbolText The text used for the "❐" copy symbol button.
text string pasteText The text used for the "Paste" button.
text string pasteSymbolText The text used for the "☐" paste symbol button.
text string removeText The text used for the "Remove" button.
text string removeSymbolText The text used for the "✕" remove symbol button.
text string noClassesAvailableText The text used for the "No classes are available." warning.
text string searchPropertiesPlaceHolderText The text used for the "Search properties" placeholder.
text string clearText The text used for the "Clear" button.
text string clearSymbolText The text used for the "✕" clear symbol button.
text string noPropertiesFoundForSearchText The text that should be used for the "No properties were found for your search." search warning.
text string modeNotSupportedText The text that should be used for the "The mode you have specified is not supported." warning.
text string unknownModeText The text that should be used for the "Unknown Mode" title.
text string moveUpText The text that should be used for the "Move Up" button.
text string moveUpSymbolText The text that should be used for the "Move Up" symbol button.
text string moveDownText The text that should be used for the "Move Down" button.
text string moveDownSymbolText The text that should be used for the "Move Down" symbol button.
text string removeElementSymbolText The text that should be used for the "Remove Element" symbol button.