JsonTree.js - Example - Array Paging With Columns
This is an example that shows how to use paging to view array items across multiple columns (turn on full-screen mode to see it better).
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v4.7.0 - 10th Dec 2024
This is an example that shows how to use paging to view array items across multiple columns (turn on full-screen mode to see it better).
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function bindingOptions() {
return {
openInFullScreenMode: true,
paging: {
enabled: true,
columnsPerPage: 2
data: [
value1: true,
value2: "This is a string",
value3: new Date(),
value4: 5,
value7: null,
value8: function() {
// Does nothing
value9: 3.1415926535,
value10: 9007199254740991n,
value11: Symbol( "id" ),
value12: {},
value13: undefined,
value14: ( message ) => {
alert( message );
value15: "rgb(144, 238, 144)",
value16: crypto.randomUUID(),
value5: [
"This is another string",
arrayValue1: true,
arrayValue2: 10
new Date(),
value6: {
objectValue1: false,
objectValue2: "This is a new string.",
objectValue3: 20,
objectValue4: "This is an example of a very long string that should force scrolling to kick in.",
value1: true,
value2: "This is a string",
value3: new Date(),
value4: 5,
value5: null