Journey.js - Documentation - Options
Below is the JSON format and properties that can be used for the configuration options.
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v2.2.0 - 4th Sep 2024
Below is the JSON format and properties that can be used for the configuration options.
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Type: | Name: | Description: |
boolean | safeMode | States if safe-mode is enabled (errors will be ignored and logged only. Defaults to true). |
Object | domElementTypes | The DOM element types to lookup (can be either an array of strings, or a space-separated string, and defaults to "*"). |
boolean | showCloseButton | States if the Close button is visible on the dialog (defaults to true). |
boolean | shortcutKeysEnabled | States if the shortcut keys are enabled (defaults to true). |
boolean | showProgressDots | States if the progress dots are visible on the dialog (defaults to true). |
boolean | browserUrlParametersEnabled | States if the browser URL parameters are enabled (defaults to true). |
boolean | showProgressDotNumbers | States if the progress dots should show the step numbers in them (defaults to false). |
boolean | showButtons | States if the buttons are visible on the dialog (defaults to true). |
boolean | showDoNotShowAgain | States if the "Do not show again" checkbox should be shown (defaults to false). |
boolean | showProgressDotToolTips | States if the progress dot tooltips should be shown (defaults to true). |
boolean | closeDialogOnDisabledBackgroundClick | States if the dialog should be closed when the disabled background is clicked (defaults to false). |
boolean | showProgressBar | States if the progress bar should be shown (defaults to false). |
boolean | scrollToElements | States if the document view should be scrolled to view the current journey step (defaults to false). |
boolean | showProgressBarText | States if the progress bar text should be shown (defaults to false). |
boolean | dialogMovingEnabled | States if the dialog can be moved (via the title bar, defaults to false). |
boolean | showStepNumbersInTitle | States if the step number should be shown in the dialog title bar (defaults to false). |
number | hintClickPositionOffset | States the additional offset to use for hints that are shown at the mouse position (defaults to 0). |
number | tooltipOffset | States the additional offset to use for the tooltip position (defaults to 0). |
Category: | Type: | Name: | Description: |
text | string | backButtonText | States the text that should be used for the Back button (defaults to "Back"). |
text | string | nextButtonText | States the text that should be used for the Next button (defaults to "Next"). |
text | string | finishButtonText | States the text that should be used for the Finish button (defaults to "Finish"). |
text | string | closeButtonToolTipText | States the tooltip text that should be used for the "Close" button (defaults to "Close"). |
text | string | doNotShowAgainText | States the text that should be used for the "Do not show again" checkbox (defaults to "Do not show again"). |
text | string | objectErrorText | States the error message that should be shown for object parsing errors (defaults to "TErrors in object: {{error_1}}, {{error_2}}"). |
text | string | attributeNotValidErrorText | States the error message that should be shown for attributes errors (defaults to "The attribute '{{attribute_name}}' is not a valid object."). |
text | string | attributeNotSetErrorText | States the error message that should be shown for attribute not errors (defaults to "The attribute '{{attribute_name}}' has not been set correctly."). |
text | string | closeDialogConfirmationText | States the confirmation message text that should be shown when closing the dialog (defaults to null). |