Journey.js - Documentation - Binding Options

Below is the JSON format and properties that can be used for the binding options.

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v2.2.0 - 4th Sep 2024
JSON Properties

Standard Options:

Type: Name: Description:
number order States the order that this journey's step should be shown (required).
boolean attach States the dialog should be attached to the element (only if not a hint. If false, the dialog is centred in the window. Defaults to true).
boolean sendClick States if the active DOM element should fire any assigned click event (defaults to false).
boolean alignTop States if the dialog should be aligned to the top of the element. (defaults to false).
boolean alignRight States if the dialog should be aligned to the right of the element. (defaults to false).
boolean isHint States if this item should only be shown as a hint (not included in the main journey, defaults to false).
boolean alignHintToClickPosition States if the hint should be shown at the position of the mouse click (defaults to false).
boolean showDisabledBackground States if the disabled background should be shown for this step (defaults to true).
boolean removeHintWhenViewed States if a hint should be removed when clicked (defaults to false).
string group States the group the step should be a part of (defaults to "default").
boolean ignore States if the element should be ignored in the journey (defaults to false).
boolean moveToNextOnClick States if the journey should move to the next step element the focused element is clicked (defaults to false).
number offset States the additional offset to use for the dialog position (defaults to 0).
boolean useLargerDisplay States if the bigger display for the dialog should be used (uses a new class called "journey-js-dialog-lg", defaults to false).

String Options:

Type: Name: Description:
string title The title that should be shown in the dialog (defaults to null).
string description The description that should be shown in the dialog (defaults to null).
string tooltip States a custom tooltip to use for its progress dot in the main dialog (defaults to null).