Journey.js - Documentation - Binding Options
Below is the JSON format and properties that can be used for the binding options.
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v2.2.0 - 4th Sep 2024
Below is the JSON format and properties that can be used for the binding options.
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Type: | Name: | Description: |
number | order | States the order that this journey's step should be shown (required). |
boolean | attach | States the dialog should be attached to the element (only if not a hint. If false, the dialog is centred in the window. Defaults to true). |
boolean | sendClick | States if the active DOM element should fire any assigned click event (defaults to false). |
boolean | alignTop | States if the dialog should be aligned to the top of the element. (defaults to false). |
boolean | alignRight | States if the dialog should be aligned to the right of the element. (defaults to false). |
boolean | isHint | States if this item should only be shown as a hint (not included in the main journey, defaults to false). |
boolean | alignHintToClickPosition | States if the hint should be shown at the position of the mouse click (defaults to false). |
boolean | showDisabledBackground | States if the disabled background should be shown for this step (defaults to true). |
boolean | removeHintWhenViewed | States if a hint should be removed when clicked (defaults to false). |
string | group | States the group the step should be a part of (defaults to "default"). |
boolean | ignore | States if the element should be ignored in the journey (defaults to false). |
boolean | moveToNextOnClick | States if the journey should move to the next step element the focused element is clicked (defaults to false). |
number | offset | States the additional offset to use for the dialog position (defaults to 0). |
boolean | useLargerDisplay | States if the bigger display for the dialog should be used (uses a new class called "journey-js-dialog-lg", defaults to false). |
Type: | Name: | Description: |
string | title | The title that should be shown in the dialog (defaults to null). |
string | description | The description that should be shown in the dialog (defaults to null). |
string | tooltip | States a custom tooltip to use for its progress dot in the main dialog (defaults to null). |