JHson.js - Documentation - Recent Changes

Below is a list of the most recent changes made in the JHson.js versions released.

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v2.3.0 - 9th Sep 2024

Version 2.3.0:

Public Functions:

  • Added "includeImagesAsBase64()" support for "json()", which states if the image source attributes should be included as a Base 64 URLs (defaults to false).
  • Added new public function "render()", which will render a specific DOM element using the options you specify.
  • Added new public function "renderAll()", which will find all new DOM elements with the "data-jhson-js" attribute and render them.

General Improvements:

  • When "includeCssProperties()" and "includeAttributes()" are set to true, the attribute "style" is now ignored.
  • Updated all documentation to reference the new website!

Version 2.2.0:

Public Functions:

  • Added "includeDataAttributes()" support for "json()", which states if the data attributes should be included (defaults to true).
  • Added "addDataAttributes()" support for "html()" (including binding support), which states if the data attributes should be added (defaults to true).
  • Added "removeOriginalDataAttributes()" support for "html()" (including binding support), which states if the original data attributes should be removed (defaults to true).
  • Added "propertyReplacer()" support for "json()", which states a JSON property replacer function to use when writing the JSON (defaults to null).
  • Added "ignoreNodeCondition()" support for "json()", which states a condition function (that accepts a DOM element) that states if a node should be included in the JSON (defaults to null).
  • Added "get()" support for "html()", which returns the HTML DOM element created from the JSON.


  • Updated the documentation to show the right properties for the objects, and added missing documentation for the binding attribute.


  • Fixed a huge fault that prevented all other binding properties (other than the "json") from being ignored when set in DOM attribute "data-jhson-js".

Version 2.1.0:

Public Functions:

  • Added "insertBefore()" support for "html()", which states if the HTML should be written before the first detected child (if the HTML is not to be cleared, defaults to false).
  • Added "generateUniqueMissingNames()" support for "json()", which states if the JSON should contain unique names for elements that don't contain them (defaults to false).

General Improvements:

  • Updated all of the NPM packages to the latest versions.
  • Moved from ES2016 to ES2020.
  • Added new rules to enforce stricter types across the code base.
  • Completely reorganized the files into separate folders, with some renames.
  • The GUIDs generated now used the "crypto.randomUUID()" instead of the custom-built one (this is now RFC4122-compliant).
  • Added some missing types.
  • Added an ignore path for ".DS_Store" files when packing the NuGet package.
  • Improved the way events are assigned.


  • Updates to the README files to make the features stand out.


  • Fixed some errors in the documentation headers for each file.
  • Fixed a fault that caused html() > write() to loop through the remaining keys once the main one has been found.
  • Fixed some errors in the documentation that stated the wrong defaults.

Version 2.0.0:

Language Shift:

  • The entire project has been rewritten in TypeScript, allowing all components to be exported, which allows better support for libraries such as React, Angular, etc.
  • Added CDN links for the minimized version of the files.
  • The TypeScript code is compiled to ES2016 instead of ES5 (older browsers, such as IE, are no longer supported).


  • You can now run separate builds to produce CJS, ESM, and Minimized project versions.
  • All files not required for the NPM packages have now been excluded.


  • Removed the "src" and "dist" folders under "test". Only the dist versions remain, removing duplication.
  • Added "BUILD_INSTRUCTIONS.md" to help first-time users set up their dev environments.

Version 1.2.2:

  • Added CDN link support, and updated documentation.

Version 1.2.1:

  • Added export support for the global "$jhson" object, which can now be imported as "jhson.js".

Version 1.2.0:

  • BREAKING: Renamed the binding attribute "data-jhson-options" to "data-jhson-js".
  • The public function "setConfiguration()" can now only be called with a valid object.
  • Template variables now support defaults! This allows you to use the following syntax {{your_variable | your default value}} to specify a default value.
  • The public function "html().write()" will now only do all of its actions if the JSON specified is valid.

Version 1.1.0:

  • Added "use strict" support internally and updated all public functions to use the new scope.
  • Fixed a fault that caused the function parameter "properties" to collide with an outer scope variable of the same name for "json() > ignoreCssProperties()".

Version 1.0.0:

New Features:

  • Added binding support! You can now add the attribute "data-jhson-options" to any DOM element to bind JSON, which will be written as HTML.

Binding Options:

  • Added binding options support, which is based on all the options available to "html()".

Binding Options - Custom Triggers:

  • Added binding option custom trigger "onBeforeRenderComplete", which fires before the rendering of an element.
  • Added binding option custom trigger "onRenderComplete", which fires when the rendering of an element is complete.

Public Functions:

  • Added a new public function called "renderAll()", which will find all the DOM elements with the attribute assigned and render their JSON as HTML.

Fixes & Improvements:

  • Fixed a major fault that caused the scope of the chained functions to fail when specific methods were called.
  • Updated the main project description.

Version 0.9.0:

Public Functions:

  • Added "generateUniqueMissingIds()" support for "json()", which states if the JSON should contain unique IDs for elements that don't contain them.

Fixes & Improvements:

  • Fixed a fault that allowed the text to be obtained for a textarea DOM element when the option "includeText()" is set to false.
  • Improved the support for returning the correct scope when calling chained functions.

Version 0.8.0:

Public Functions:

  • Added "getVariables()" support for "html()", which is used to get all the template variables from an HTML DOM element.
  • Added "getVariables()" support for "json()", which is used to get all the template variables from a JSON string.

Version 0.7.0:

Public Functions:

  • BREAKING: Renamed "html() > removeAttributes()" to "html() > removeOriginalAttributes()".
  • BREAKING: Renamed "html() > clearHTML()" to "html() > clearOriginalHTML()".
  • Added "addAttributes()" support for "html()", which states if the attributes should be written for each element when "write()" is called.
  • Added "addCssProperties()" support for "html()", which states if the CSS properties should be written for each element when "write()" is called.
  • Added "addText()" support for "html()", which states if the text should be written for each element when "write()" is called.
  • Added "addChildren()" support for "html()", which states if the children should be written for each element when "write()" is called.

Fixes & Improvements:

  • Internal refactoring to make areas a bit easier to read.

Version 0.6.0:

Public Functions:

  • Added "logTemplateDataWarnings()" support for "html()", which states if the template variables are not found should be logged as warnings when "write()" is called.

Configuration Options:

  • Added new configuration option "variableWarningText", which states the warning text that should be shown in the console when a template variable is not used (defaults to "Template variable {{variable_name}} not found.").
  • Added new configuration option "objectErrorText", which states the error text that should be shown when an object error is detected (defaults to "Errors in object: {{error_1}}, {{error_2}}").

Fixes & Improvements:

  • Fixed "clearCssFromHead()" throwing an error when clearing the style tags from the DOM documents head.
  • Updated README.md and README_NUGET.md to include the latest chained function calls.
  • Minor internal renames to make way for future enhancements.

Version 0.5.0:

Public Functions:

  • BREAKING: Renamed "json() > includeCssStyles()" to "json() > includeCssProperties()".
  • When "addCssToHead()" is used for "html()", all the CSS is now placed in one "style" node in the HTML document head, instead of multiple ones!
  • When "addCssToHead()" is used for "html()", the CSS will now use the CSS class from the DOM element (it reverts to the DOM element ID if not available).
  • Added "ignoreNodeTypes()" support for "json()", which states the node types that should not be included in the JSON returned from "get()".
  • Added "ignoreCssProperties()" support for "json()", which states the CSS properties that should not be included in the JSON returned from "get()".
  • Added "ignoreAttributes()" support for "json()", which states the attributes that should not be included in the JSON returned from "get()".

Configuration Options:

  • Removed the configuration option "nodeTypesToIgnore" (no longer needed).
  • Removed the configuration option "cssPropertiesToIgnore" (no longer needed).

Fixes & Improvements:

  • Fixed a minor formatting issue in the "package.json" file.
  • Fixed a fault that caused the text to be ignored for some elements.
  • Fixed HTML testing files not referencing some of the recent changes.
  • Fixed issues with lowercase usage being done multiple times.
  • Updated README.md and README_NUGET.md to include the latest chained function calls.
  • Updated README.md and README_NUGET.md to include the new features added recently.

Version 0.4.0:

New Features:

  • CSS styles can now be written to the head of the HTML document instead of each DOM element!

Public Functions:

  • Added "addCssToHead()" support for "html()", which will force all CSS style properties to be added as "style" tags to the head of the HTML document.
  • Added "indentSpaces()" support for "json()", which states the total number of indent spaces to use for the friendly format JSON returned from "get()".
  • Added "clearCssFromHead()" support for "html()", which will force all CSS style tags to be removed from the head of the HTML document.

Configuration Options:

  • Removed the configuration option "jsonIndentationSpaces" (no longer needed).

Version 0.3.0:

Public Functions:

  • All boolean-based chained functions (such as "json()" > "includeAttributes()") now support flags (with proper defaults).
  • Restored all original defaults for the new chained functions.
  • Object types now have to be valid for all public functions.

Fixes & Improvements:

  • Improved the HTML testing files.
  • Fixed README.md and README_NUGET.md errors.

Version 0.2.0:

New Features:

  • Added function chaining support when getting and writing (see detailed changes).

Public Functions:

  • BREAKING: "get()" has been renamed to "json()" and now supports function-chaining, which allows greater control over the options used when generating the JSON.
  • BREAKING: "write()" has been renamed to "html()" and now supports function-chaining, which allows greater control over the options used when converting JSON to HTML.
  • "html()" now supports: "removeAttributes()" and "clearHTML()".
  • "json()" now supports: "includeChildren()".

Configuration Options:

  • Added new configuration option "formattingNodeTypes", which states the text formatting nodes to check for (defaults to "b strong i em mark small del ins sub sup").

Fixes & Improvements:

  • Fixed a fault that caused all pre-configured configuration options to be wiped out when calling "setConfiguration()".
  • Improved the HTML testing files.

Version 0.1.0:

  • Everything :)