Heat.js - Documentation - Binding Options

Below is the JSON format and properties that can be used for the binding options.

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v4.3.1 - 18th Mar 2025
JSON Properties

Standard Options:

Type: Name: Description:
Object[] colorRanges The colors that should be used for specific ranges (first default is [ { minimum: 10, cssClassName: 'day-color-1' } ]. Refer to "Color Range" documentation for properties).
boolean exportOnlyYearBeingViewed States if only the data for the year being viewed should be exported (defaults to true).
number year States the year that should be shown when the heat map is rendered for the first time (defaults to the current year).
string view States the view that should be shown by default (defaults to "map", also accepts "chart" and "statistics").
string exportType States the export file type that should be used (defaults to "csv", also accepts "json", "xml", and "txt").
boolean useLocalStorageForData States if data added/removed should be remembered in local storage (remembered between browser usages, defaults to false).
boolean allowFileImports States if file importing via drag & drop is enabled (defaults to true).
number[] yearsToHide States the years that should be hidden (defaults to []).
Object[] holidays States the holidays that should be shown in the views (defaults to [], refer to "Holidays" documentation for properties).
number dataFetchDelay States how long the data fetching should wait (in milliseconds) until its next pull (defaults to 60000).
boolean showOnlyDataForYearsAvailable States if only data for years available is shown (including in the selector, defaults to false).
boolean showHolidaysInDayToolTips States if the holidays should be shown in the regular day tooltips (defaults to false).

Title Options:

Category: Type: Name: Description:
title string text The text that should be shown (defaults to "Heat.js").
title boolean showText States if the text should be shown (defaults to true).
title boolean showYearSelector States if the year selector (and buttons) is shown (defaults to true).
title boolean showRefreshButton States if the "Refresh" button should be shown (defaults to false).
title boolean showExportButton States if the "Export" button should be shown (defaults to false).
title number extraSelectionYears States the extra years that should be included in the year drop-down list (defaults to 50).
title boolean showYearSelectionDropDown States if the year selection drop-down menu is shown (defaults to true).
title boolean showImportButton States if the "Import" button should be shown (defaults to false).
title boolean showConfigurationButton States if the configuration dialog can be used (defaults to true).
title boolean showTitleDropDownButton States if the drop-down arrow next to the title text should be shown (defaults to true).
title boolean showTitleDropDownHeaders States if the drop-down menu headers should be shown (defaults to true).
title boolean showCurrentYearButton States if the "Current Year" button should be shown (defaults to true).

Description Options:

Category: Type: Name: Description:
description string text States a description that should be shown below the active view (defaults to null).
description string url States a URL that should be used for the link (defaults to null).
description string urlTarget States the target for the link URL (defaults to "_blank").

Guide Options:

Category: Type: Name: Description:
guide boolean enabled States if the guide is enabled (defaults to true).
guide boolean colorRangeTogglesEnabled States if the color range toggles are enabled (defaults to true).
guide boolean showLessAndMoreLabels States if the "Less" and "More" labels are shown (defaults to true).
guide boolean showNumbersInGuide States if the color range numbers should be shown in the guide (defaults to false).

ToolTip Options:

Category: Type: Name: Description:
tooltip number delay States how long the tooltip should wait (in milliseconds) until it's shown (defaults to 750).
tooltip string dayText The tooltip text that should be shown for a day (defaults to "{d}{o} {mmmm} {yyyy}"). Refer to "Date Formatting" documentation for options.

View Options: Map:

Category: Type: Name: Description:
views.map boolean showMonthDayGaps States if the gaps between the days in each month should be shown (defaults to true).
views.map boolean showDayNames States if the day names are shown (defaults to true).
views.map boolean placeMonthNamesOnTheBottom States if the month names should be placed at the bottom (defaults to false).
views.map boolean showDayNumbers States if the activity counts should be shown in the days (defaults to false).
views.map boolean showMonthNames States if the month names are shown (defaults to true).
views.map number[] monthsToShow States the months that should be shown (defaults to [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]).
views.map number[] daysToShow States the days that should be shown (defaults to [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]).
views.map boolean showDaysInReverseOrder States if the days of the week should be in reverse order (defaults to false).
views.map boolean showNoDataMessageWhenDataIsNotAvailable States if the no-data message should be shown instead of empty days when no data is available (defaults to false).
views.map boolean showMinimalDayNames States if only the minimal day names should be shown (defaults to false).
views.map boolean showMonthsInReverseOrder States if the months should be shown in reverse order (defaults to false).
views.map boolean keepScrollPositions States if the scroll positions should be maintained when the view is redrawn (or moving year to year, defaults to false).

View Options: Chart:

Category: Type: Name: Description:
views.chart boolean enabled States if this view is enabled (defaults to true).
views.chart boolean showChartYLabels States if the chart Y axis labels should be shown (defaults to true).
views.chart boolean showMonthNames States if the month names are shown (defaults to true).
views.chart number[] monthsToShow States the months that should be shown (defaults to [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]).
views.chart number[] daysToShow States the days that should be shown (defaults to [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]).
views.chart boolean showLineNumbers States if the activity counts should be shown in the lines (defaults to false).
views.chart boolean showInReverseOrder States if the chart should be shown in reverse order (defaults to false).
views.chart boolean keepScrollPositions States if the scroll positions should be maintained when the view is redrawn (or moving year to year, defaults to false).

View Options: Days:

Category: Type: Name: Description:
views.days boolean enabled States if this view is enabled (defaults to true).
views.days boolean showChartYLabels States if the chart Y axis labels should be shown (defaults to true).
views.days boolean showDayNames States if the day names are shown (defaults to true).
views.days number[] monthsToShow States the months that should be shown (defaults to [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]).
views.days number[] daysToShow States the days that should be shown (defaults to [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]).
views.days boolean showDayNumbers States if the day counts should be shown in the lines (defaults to false).
views.days boolean showInReverseOrder States if the chart should be shown in reverse order (defaults to false).
views.days boolean keepScrollPositions States if the scroll positions should be maintained when the view is redrawn (or moving year to year, defaults to false).

View Options: Statistics:

Category: Type: Name: Description:
views.statistics boolean enabled States if this view is enabled (defaults to true).
views.statistics boolean showChartYLabels States if the chart Y axis labels should be shown (defaults to true).
views.statistics boolean showColorRangeLabels States if the chart X color range labels should be shown (defaults to true).
views.statistics number[] monthsToShow States the months that should be shown (defaults to [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]).
views.statistics number[] daysToShow States the days that should be shown (defaults to [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]).
views.statistics boolean useColorRangeNamesForLabels States if the color range names should be shown instead of the minimum for the X labels (defaults to false).
views.statistics boolean showRangeNumbers States if the range counts should be shown in the lines (defaults to false).
views.statistics boolean showInReverseOrder States if the statistics should be shown in reverse order (defaults to false).
views.statistics boolean keepScrollPositions States if the scroll positions should be maintained when the view is redrawn (or moving year to year, defaults to false).