Heat.js - Documentation - Binding Options
Below is the JSON format and properties that can be used for the binding options.
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v4.3.1 - 18th Mar 2025
Below is the JSON format and properties that can be used for the binding options.
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Type: | Name: | Description: |
Object[] | colorRanges | The colors that should be used for specific ranges (first default is [ { minimum: 10, cssClassName: 'day-color-1' } ]. Refer to "Color Range" documentation for properties). |
boolean | exportOnlyYearBeingViewed | States if only the data for the year being viewed should be exported (defaults to true). |
number | year | States the year that should be shown when the heat map is rendered for the first time (defaults to the current year). |
string | view | States the view that should be shown by default (defaults to "map", also accepts "chart" and "statistics"). |
string | exportType | States the export file type that should be used (defaults to "csv", also accepts "json", "xml", and "txt"). |
boolean | useLocalStorageForData | States if data added/removed should be remembered in local storage (remembered between browser usages, defaults to false). |
boolean | allowFileImports | States if file importing via drag & drop is enabled (defaults to true). |
number[] | yearsToHide | States the years that should be hidden (defaults to []). |
Object[] | holidays | States the holidays that should be shown in the views (defaults to [], refer to "Holidays" documentation for properties). |
number | dataFetchDelay | States how long the data fetching should wait (in milliseconds) until its next pull (defaults to 60000). |
boolean | showOnlyDataForYearsAvailable | States if only data for years available is shown (including in the selector, defaults to false). |
boolean | showHolidaysInDayToolTips | States if the holidays should be shown in the regular day tooltips (defaults to false). |
Category: | Type: | Name: | Description: |
title | string | text | The text that should be shown (defaults to "Heat.js"). |
title | boolean | showText | States if the text should be shown (defaults to true). |
title | boolean | showYearSelector | States if the year selector (and buttons) is shown (defaults to true). |
title | boolean | showRefreshButton | States if the "Refresh" button should be shown (defaults to false). |
title | boolean | showExportButton | States if the "Export" button should be shown (defaults to false). |
title | number | extraSelectionYears | States the extra years that should be included in the year drop-down list (defaults to 50). |
title | boolean | showYearSelectionDropDown | States if the year selection drop-down menu is shown (defaults to true). |
title | boolean | showImportButton | States if the "Import" button should be shown (defaults to false). |
title | boolean | showConfigurationButton | States if the configuration dialog can be used (defaults to true). |
title | boolean | showTitleDropDownButton | States if the drop-down arrow next to the title text should be shown (defaults to true). |
title | boolean | showTitleDropDownHeaders | States if the drop-down menu headers should be shown (defaults to true). |
title | boolean | showCurrentYearButton | States if the "Current Year" button should be shown (defaults to true). |
Category: | Type: | Name: | Description: |
description | string | text | States a description that should be shown below the active view (defaults to null). |
description | string | url | States a URL that should be used for the link (defaults to null). |
description | string | urlTarget | States the target for the link URL (defaults to "_blank"). |
Category: | Type: | Name: | Description: |
guide | boolean | enabled | States if the guide is enabled (defaults to true). |
guide | boolean | colorRangeTogglesEnabled | States if the color range toggles are enabled (defaults to true). |
guide | boolean | showLessAndMoreLabels | States if the "Less" and "More" labels are shown (defaults to true). |
guide | boolean | showNumbersInGuide | States if the color range numbers should be shown in the guide (defaults to false). |
Category: | Type: | Name: | Description: |
tooltip | number | delay | States how long the tooltip should wait (in milliseconds) until it's shown (defaults to 750). |
tooltip | string | dayText | The tooltip text that should be shown for a day (defaults to "{d}{o} {mmmm} {yyyy}"). Refer to "Date Formatting" documentation for options. |
Category: | Type: | Name: | Description: |
views.map | boolean | showMonthDayGaps | States if the gaps between the days in each month should be shown (defaults to true). |
views.map | boolean | showDayNames | States if the day names are shown (defaults to true). |
views.map | boolean | placeMonthNamesOnTheBottom | States if the month names should be placed at the bottom (defaults to false). |
views.map | boolean | showDayNumbers | States if the activity counts should be shown in the days (defaults to false). |
views.map | boolean | showMonthNames | States if the month names are shown (defaults to true). |
views.map | number[] | monthsToShow | States the months that should be shown (defaults to [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]). |
views.map | number[] | daysToShow | States the days that should be shown (defaults to [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]). |
views.map | boolean | showDaysInReverseOrder | States if the days of the week should be in reverse order (defaults to false). |
views.map | boolean | showNoDataMessageWhenDataIsNotAvailable | States if the no-data message should be shown instead of empty days when no data is available (defaults to false). |
views.map | boolean | showMinimalDayNames | States if only the minimal day names should be shown (defaults to false). |
views.map | boolean | showMonthsInReverseOrder | States if the months should be shown in reverse order (defaults to false). |
views.map | boolean | keepScrollPositions | States if the scroll positions should be maintained when the view is redrawn (or moving year to year, defaults to false). |
Category: | Type: | Name: | Description: |
views.chart | boolean | enabled | States if this view is enabled (defaults to true). |
views.chart | boolean | showChartYLabels | States if the chart Y axis labels should be shown (defaults to true). |
views.chart | boolean | showMonthNames | States if the month names are shown (defaults to true). |
views.chart | number[] | monthsToShow | States the months that should be shown (defaults to [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]). |
views.chart | number[] | daysToShow | States the days that should be shown (defaults to [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]). |
views.chart | boolean | showLineNumbers | States if the activity counts should be shown in the lines (defaults to false). |
views.chart | boolean | showInReverseOrder | States if the chart should be shown in reverse order (defaults to false). |
views.chart | boolean | keepScrollPositions | States if the scroll positions should be maintained when the view is redrawn (or moving year to year, defaults to false). |
Category: | Type: | Name: | Description: |
views.days | boolean | enabled | States if this view is enabled (defaults to true). |
views.days | boolean | showChartYLabels | States if the chart Y axis labels should be shown (defaults to true). |
views.days | boolean | showDayNames | States if the day names are shown (defaults to true). |
views.days | number[] | monthsToShow | States the months that should be shown (defaults to [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]). |
views.days | number[] | daysToShow | States the days that should be shown (defaults to [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]). |
views.days | boolean | showDayNumbers | States if the day counts should be shown in the lines (defaults to false). |
views.days | boolean | showInReverseOrder | States if the chart should be shown in reverse order (defaults to false). |
views.days | boolean | keepScrollPositions | States if the scroll positions should be maintained when the view is redrawn (or moving year to year, defaults to false). |
Category: | Type: | Name: | Description: |
views.statistics | boolean | enabled | States if this view is enabled (defaults to true). |
views.statistics | boolean | showChartYLabels | States if the chart Y axis labels should be shown (defaults to true). |
views.statistics | boolean | showColorRangeLabels | States if the chart X color range labels should be shown (defaults to true). |
views.statistics | number[] | monthsToShow | States the months that should be shown (defaults to [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]). |
views.statistics | number[] | daysToShow | States the days that should be shown (defaults to [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]). |
views.statistics | boolean | useColorRangeNamesForLabels | States if the color range names should be shown instead of the minimum for the X labels (defaults to false). |
views.statistics | boolean | showRangeNumbers | States if the range counts should be shown in the lines (defaults to false). |
views.statistics | boolean | showInReverseOrder | States if the statistics should be shown in reverse order (defaults to false). |
views.statistics | boolean | keepScrollPositions | States if the scroll positions should be maintained when the view is redrawn (or moving year to year, defaults to false). |